Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Deeping St James


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Around Deeping St James

Walk done January 27 2015, starting at about 10.30am.

Marta and I continue to explore the Welland. Our initial hope was that we might reach Crowland, but we decided to take things a little easier. 
Our first problem was the route. We were not sure how far along the left bank of the Welland we could walk, and wanted to avoid any road walking, since the road concerned is a typical fenland road. It's pretty straight and tempts people to speed.  In fact it is possible to walk along the high bank, and beside it, but underfoot it was a little soft which made it harder going. On the way back the wind was in our faces too.
We parked at a space used by local dog-walkers, just after Deeping St James, where the road bends sharply to the left.  
I picked some local brains first, a couple who were looking for the seal which has been seen during the last few days in the river. They hadn't seen it, but recommended the walk anyway. 

The first half mile or so follows the Welland south east, along a tarmac private road, with Deeping Lakes Nature Reserve on the left, and the river on our right.

A glimpse of one of the lakes through the trees
The path goes under the mainline railway, and the river soon joins Maxey Cut, and becomes a more serious-looking ruler straight river, with raised banks. It flows northeast.
Where the waters join there was a little egret

Soon after turning the corner we found the entrance to the nature reserve - our plan at present is not miles under boots, but exploration, so in we went.
A group of children with teachers were visiting, and we stopped to chat - they'd seen herons, little egrets and also a long-eared owl, which often visits the reserve at this time of year. We hied us to the hide to try to spot the bird, but without binoculars we couldn't be sure. Our luck was in, as a group of birdwatchers with telescopes arrived.
At first we thought the white blob was the owl - no it was one of those pigeons pretending again. In fact the owl is in the photo, towards the top right.

The best I could get at the time, but we did have a peer through a telescope - a beautiful bird.
We left the reserve and continued towards Crowland.
The nature reserve

Lots of geese

Crowland Abbey in the distance

We walked a couple of miles or so along the river, then decided to turn back, and leave Crowland for a more leisurely exploration in future.  
Altogether we walked about eight miles today. In case you're wondering, we didn't see the seal either.

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 In 2014, Marta and  I decided to explore the Welland. We didn’t do it very logically, and the early course between Sibbertoft and Marston ...